Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Nashville Bound

Last weekend, Holly and I traveled to my parents' new hometown of Nashville to visit family. As I was driving, I heard Holly repeat "Heed" over and over. I couldn't figure out what she meant until I looked in the rearview mirror. She meant "Head." She proceeded to show me what each of her dolls and toys looked like atop her head. Don't ask me how I got this picture...

Here are some fun pictures of Holly with her cousins (third? fifth? I can't keep up). She's in the sandbox with Jordan, on the couch with Blake, and in the bath with Laura. Needless to say, these kids wore her out. She had a blast!


Candace said...

Hilarious! "Heed!" I can just hear it. Too cute!

Dori said...

"Heed" reminds me of Micheal Myers in "So I Married an Axe Murderer"- the dad says that the boys Heed is big like Sputnik. Awww, I miss Holly.