Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Drink More Hand-Spun Milkshakes

Some pretty cool things are happening around the Rife household. It all started when Matt got laid off on my birthday... Actually, that's not true. I need to back up a bit.

A couple of months ago, Matt learned that there was a job opening at our church that was completely within his gift sets and in an area of ministry that has been a passion of his for the past 5 years. He started pursuing this path when, out of the blue, a friend in our small group (shout out to Jay Taylor!) casually mentioned an opening at his company, Chick-fil-A. The job was in Matt's field of expertise - supply chain management.

I was totally confused. How would we/he make a decision between two good options? Between what could be a calling in ministry and a career with an amazing, God-honoring company? Or, to take it a step further, should he stay in his current position with Manhattan Associates?

And then one of those options was removed from the table. Matt was laid off during the second round of Manhattan layoffs since October. Not exactly the way he wanted to end his 12 year career at Manhattan, but he was actually relieved that he wouldn't have to come up with excuses for taking time off to interview.

In the meantime,
Matt sent his resume to Chick-fil-A, who decided to fill the supply chain position with a candidate they had already been interviewing. But they asked Jay if Matt had any interest in putting his business intelligence experience to use in what would be a newly created position. In Matt's words, that would be his "dream job."

Within a week of being laid off, he had an interview lined up with Chick-fil-A. Then a second interview. And on Monday of this week, he had his third and final interview and on Tuesday received an offer.

So Matt will now work 10 minutes south of us (no traffic!) for a company who places its highest value on honoring God. I could go on and on on how we've seen God work through this process and how excited I am for Matt and our family.

But I think I'll just stop here, congratulate my sweet husband, and give praise to the One from whom all blessings flow.

"I said to the Lord 'You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.'" Psalm 16:2


Dori said...

Wow, even though I knew all that, I read it and am still amazed at how God works. So happy for Matt and for his short commute to work. So happy that this stress has been lifted off your shoulders.

Mike said...

Dang that's crazy stuff! Amazing and cool for sure.

To celebrate I think I'll go load up on some fried chicken sandwiches for my family!

Now if I could only think of a place that sells these deelecious items....

Candace said...

That is so awesome. Amazing. God is so good!!!!
We're on the road as I write and we just found a chick-fil-a on our GPS. So we'll eat our nuggets and praise God for the amazing way He works, thanking Him for His awesome provision for the Rife family!