Thursday, October 22, 2009

Conversation with a 3 year old

Holly (rocking her arms like a baby): Do you remember my baby...Bali? (she had to pause to come up with a name)

Me: No. Who's that?

Holly: My baby. She's lost. She's by herself.

Me: Oh no! Where is she?

Holly: At the top of a mountain. A volcano is coming. It's coming to get her.

And that was that. If anyone finds a baby at the top of a mountain, be sure to let Holly know.


Candace said...

Oh my! That is hilarious and terrible! I can't wait to see that little one again. :) Give her a hug for us!!!

Mike said...

Oh, is that who that baby I saw belongs to?

I was just passing by a mountain the other day and saw a baby on top of it and was wondering whose that was. I was a little worried cause of the volcano that was walking towards it. But tell Holly it's ok though cause the volcano that was heading that way turned around and went back to the ocean. Or Venus. Wherever she thinks it came from.

I love childhood craziness... :)