Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!!

Over the weekend, our family gathered in Memphis to celebrate the upcoming birth of Leigh's baby, Abygael. But we also were able to take a few minutes to celebrate my dad. Today is his birthday, and I can't help but get a little sentimental when I think about what he has meant in my - our - lives.

It's a big job to be the father of two daughters. Dance recitals that he had to (pretend to) be excited about, tears he had to wipe, but perhaps most importantly, displaying for us how a husband loves and honors his wife.

Thank you, Dad for teaching me not to settle. Thank you for helping to protect this little girl's heart as I waited for God to bring my prince. And thank you for teaching me that, if that prince was never to come, I already have my King in heaven.

Happy Birthday, Dad.


Dori said...

My word that is sweet- and true. I love your dad too :) He's the bomb.

Papa said...

With Leigh D's baby shower the reason for all of us to "come home", I was especially blessed to be able to spend a little time with the family and friends that mean the world to me. Now if we could just get you all to move to middle Tennessee...