Friday, December 11, 2009

Anna update

We have a diagnosis - ITP, or Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura. Basically, as Anna's body fought an infection, she overproduced antibodies which attacked her platelets. This disease often corrects itself over time, but it's the in-between period we have to be careful about. Because Anna's platelet count was so low (10,000 instead of the normal 150,000), she could be in serious trouble if she had a head injury.

The hematologist recommended moving forward with treatment to increase the platelet count. This led to hours of waiting, as we first needed a new blood count. The nurses had an awful time trying to get some blood from Anna and start her IV line. She screamed and fought, and they tried two veins before giving up. It was so hard to have to restrain her as she looked at me with frightened eyes and a tear-soaked face. All I could do was sing in her ear and pray for her.

The nurses were able to draw a tiny amount of blood, but decided to call the IV team in to start the line. By then her numbing cream had worn off, and the thought of them trying several new veins with no numbing cream just broke my heart. As we waited for them to arrive, her worn out little body finally fell asleep in my arms. It the best part of my day. Until...

The doctor came in a few minutes later and told me that she had gotten the new blood counts and her platelet count was at 32,000. Tripled! In a day! She no longer recommended the IV infusion, and was really optimistic that Anna's body was taking care of itself. We will go back next week and check her blood again to make sure the platelets are continuing to increase. We'll probably be doing this weekly or bi-weekly for the next month or so.

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude. I'm so grateful that Anna, seemingly miraculously, was asymptomatic despite her very low platelet count. I'm grateful for platelet counts that triple in a day with no intervention. I'm grateful for our wonderful and perceptive pediatrician, and the amazing doctors and nurses at Children's Healthcare. I'm grateful for friends I can call when I need some encouragement, and for a community of people committed to praying for us. And I'm so grateful that God, in His grace and mercy, seems to be healing our Anna. Thank you Father.

Signing out now, going to bed, and sleeping well tonight.


Sharaze Colley said...

Lauren, we are so glad to hear your news. When we did our prayers with Autumn we prayed for Anna and all of you.

Candace said...

Wow. That is AMAZING! Praise the Lord!!!!!! We'll keep her (and you) in our prayers until it's all said and done.

I'll never forget holding down Anna Grace when she was 2 mo old with a virus so bad she had to be hospitalized and they couldn't get it. It ended up in her head. Ugh... And the time she had to give blood from her arm, the look of terror in her eyes I will never forget. What is it with Annas and strange illnesses/incidents? :)

We love you all dearly, Rifes. Glad to get a great update- at 2:45 in the morning. Z just woke me up and I thought I'd check.

Hugs to you all!

Papa said...

Thanks to our Father for his loving care of precious Anna. And thanks too for parents who acted surely and swiftly, for those who gave comfort and wise counsel and for all the prayers that surely sped Anna's recovery along. Strength will rise!

kellie said...

lauren, your faith is an inspiration