Friday, December 11, 2009

Asking For Prayer

We had a little (?) health scare with Anna yesterday. Her body is covered in bruises and petichiae (a rash of purple freckles), which points to a blood problem. We had a full blood count taken yesterday, and thankfully her white blood cell count is normal, which means we should be able to rule out something serious like leukemia. But her platelet count is extremely low, which indicates there is still a problem. It could be a viral infection, reaction to an antibiotic, or a number of other things. We are going back to the hospital today at 10:30. I'm not sure what tests will be done, but we need to try to determine the cause of the low count. In the meantime, Anna is making me nervous! She just started walking and is a clumsy little toddler. But because her blood isn't clotting much, she has to be very careful to avoid any injury (even injury that doesn't break the skin can cause internal bleeding). So I'm asking for prayer this morning.

1) That her platelet count rises quickly and drastically
2) For wisdom and discernment for the doctors as they try to determine the cause
3) That Anna will stay tough and keep her sweet spirit through it all
4) That I will stay tough and keep my sort of sweet spirit through it all
5) That Anna will somehow stay free of too many bumps and falls
6) That this ordeal, however big or small, grows my (our) faith and dependence on our Heavenly Father and brings glory to Him.

Thank you! Will keep you posted...


Jack said...

Praying fervently.

Candace said...

Praying already and confident in the Maker of all things- to comfort and calm your hearts, guide and direct the lab tests and the doctors and the technicians, and to heal sweet Anna. Love you, friends. Definitely keep us posted. You'll be on my heart and mind until I hear something different.

DeLine Family said...

Praying for each of you along with the doctors today. I also pray for peace during the waiting. Please let us know if you need anything!
Kevin, Laura & Hudson