Friday, December 18, 2009

Doing the platelet dance!

We're celebrating in our house - I talked to Anna's doctor yesterday, and her platelet count is 132,000! Up 100,000 in 6 days. The doctors prepared me that it could take 1-2 months for her body to "correct itself" so this is great news. Thank you all for your prayers, your concern, and your words of encouragement.

Holly and I had to wake Anna from a very deep sleep so we could make it to her doctor appointment on Wednesday. I rarely see my kids while they're sleeping, so this was a little treat (except the waking her up part). Here are a couple of pictures...


Sharaze Colley said...

Cheers from the Colleys! I'm so happy for you all!

The human body and the hand of God are amazing things. After I had Autumn, I had to have a blood transfusion. Even after having two units, my hematocrit was dangerously low. So low they thought it would take upwards of a year to be normal again. It did take me a over year to feel 100% again but at my post 6 week checkup, I was back up to normal. By the end of a year, I was over normal and back to my previous "Sharaze rarely bruises" levels!

Mike said...

Super cute sleeper...

And very very glad she's made such a rapid recovery! :)

The Family said...

hey lauren- it's lydia, candace's friend, and we have been praying for you guys from up here! totally glad to hear that anna is doing so much better. that is totally the hand of the Lord- yeah!


Candace said...


And yay for platelet dances!!!!

Dori said...

I love the sweaty sleepy hair look. I cant wait to see your girls (and you)!

Holly said...

Thank you all for the sweet words and for your prayers! You're awesome.